Content creators shouldn’t be just a term for people who upload on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok. Job seekers need to be content creators too. If you want to up level your career and land your dream job, start tapping on your keyboard and show what you can do to get noticed. Here are some suggestions to brand yourself and showcase your skills.

Social Media
Social media. Before you start applying for jobs and sending out your resume, get the online version of yourself put together. Recruiters and prospective employers will check you out online. They will Google you and go through everything they can find about you. There is nothing wrong with showing the world who you are, sharing your thoughts, opinions, and your personality. However, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Make sure your posts aren’t inappropriate – too many party photos involving alcohol and dancing on tables. You get the picture.

Social media is a great way to not only show who you are as a person but your capabilities as well. Create some posts sharing your knowledge about professional subject matter as it relates to your skills. If you are a plumber, create educational content with practical tips for homeowners about DIY projects – what to do on your own and when you need to call in a professional. If you are a manager, create a post about tips on being a leader who motivates a team of people. Talk about what you are passionate about. Share motivational quotes that pertain to your career. Create posts about what your values are and what is important to you in your career.
Video memes are funny to watch and a great way to take a break and have a good laugh. However, you can create brief videos that demonstrate your knowledge and abilities. It can be done in an educational way and still be fun and engaging. A shipping and receiving clerk can create a video showing the right and wrong ways to box or crate products. A computer technician can demonstrate how to back up a laptop.
In between typical posts showing what restaurant you last ate at or what you did on the weekend, create posts about the work you do in an educational way. When a recruiter or employer looks at your social media profiles, they’ll see all sides of who you are and what matters to you.
Join groups and be an active participant. Ask questions and engage with those who respond to you. Answer other people’s questions and share information.
If you have a LinkedIn profile, start writing articles pertaining to the work you do. This will showcase your talents and establish you as a subject matter expert. It draws people to your profile, gets you noticed, and elevates your profile. Recruiters are more likely to connect with you over other potential candidates whose LinkedIn profiles have no articles, work samples or projects on display.
Having a website can be a great idea for your career and you can use Linktree to tie everything together, including your website and all your social media pages in one place. Most people think that websites are for businesses to get noticed, but it’s also great for professionals looking to attract the attention of recruiters and business owners so that opportunities come to them.
Using your name, if it is available, as your domain name is ideal. Your personal website is more than just your online resume, it is where you can link your social media and a blog where you showcase your skills. This is your personal brand and a digital asset all rolled into one. Make sure that you utilize the SEO (search engine optimization) features so that your site is easy to find and readily comes up in searches with the proper keywords for your skills and abilities.
Cover Letter & Resume
Having a cover letter and a resume is obvious and mandatory. A critical mistake is to have one cover letter and resume for all of the jobs you apply for. While you do not want to embellish your resume, you still want to craft it towards the jobs you want. Check out the job description and if your skills are a match, make sure that your resume reflects that. Using the same keywords will make your resume stand out, especially when it gets sifted through an ATS (applicant tracking system).
Sending in a resume without a cover letter puts you at an immediate disadvantage. Craft a short and direct cover letter that leaves the recruiter wanting to know more about you. Using bullet points to specifically target how your skills correlate with the items in the job description is key. If it has been a long time since you’ve applied for a job or are looking to change your career path, it is worth the money to invest in some resume writing classes or pay a professional to write it for you.
Now You're Ready To Land Your Dream Job!

When all of these ideas are put together, you will differentiate yourself from the majority of professionals seeking the same opportunities as you. It will help you level up your career and increase your earning potential. As you consistently put out content as it relates to your field and career, it increases your followers and network as well. Engage with people who follow you to grow your sphere of influence.
Opportunities will come to your door. As you grow your network, you may be privy to opportunities that you can share with others.